Red Hat Hypervisor Upgrade to specific version (4.3)

Red Hat Virtualization (RHV) is an x86 virtualization product produced by Red Hat, based on the KVM hypervisor. Red Hat Virtualization uses the SPICE protocol and VDSM (Virtual Desktop Server Manager) with a RHEL-based centralized management server.In this tutorial, we will perform red hat hypervisor upgrade to 4.3.19


Ensure that there are no hardware errors on the RHVH hypervisor which you are going to upgrade by verifying the syslog

Verify that /Data-Domain and /OS-domain are independent paritions on the system

Red Hat Hypervisor Upgrade

Perform below steps on the hypervisor from ssh

#cd /etc/pki/product;

#rm -rf product/;

#cp /etc/pki/product-default/328.pem /etc/pki/product

#rm -rf /etc/pki/consumer

#rm -rf /etc/pki/entitlement

Setup Proxy

Setup and configure proxy for RHSM if you are behind proxy server

# vi /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf
proxy_hostname = xx.xx.xx.xx
proxy_port = 3128

Clean Subscription manager

# subscription-manager clean

Remove the hypervisor from Red Hat subscriptions from red hat portal

Reregister system with Red Hat

# subscription-manager register
user id: xxxxxxx
password: xxxxxx

Attach Subscription

Attach the Red Hat virtualization subscription to the system

# subscription-manager attach --auto

Configure Repositories for hypervisor upgrade

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms

Shutdown Vm’s

We need to shut down all the running vms on the red hat hypervisor which needs to be updated

Put the host in Maintenance Mode.

In the Administration Portal, click Compute → Hosts and select the host to be updated. Click Management → Maintenance

Updating RHV hypervisor

List red hat virtualization host images available

# yum list redhat-virtualization-host-image-update --showduplicates      

Available Packages
redhat-virtualization-host-image-update.noarch           4.0-20160817.0.el7_2              rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms
redhat-virtualization-host-image-update.noarch           4.0-20160906.0.el7_2              rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms
redhat-virtualization-host-image-update.noarch           4.0-20160919.0.el7_2              rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms
redhat-virtualization-host-image-update.noarch           4.0-20161012.0.el7_2              rhel-7-server-rhvh-4-rpms

We will now upgrade the hypervisor from ssh

# yum install redhat-virtualization-host-image-update-4.3.19-20211013.0

Reboot the hypervisor

We need to reboot the hypervisor from ssh console or from RHV management console

# reboot

Once the server is reboot, we can verify the Version using below command

# cat /etc/*release

Removing maintenance mode

Access the upgraded hypervisor from RHV manager, go to Hosts and click on Activate to remove the hypervisor from maintenance mode

Power on Vms

Go to Administration portal and power on all the vms.


We have successfully upgrade Red Hat hypervisor to 4.3 version and have powered on all the vms after successful upgrade.

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