How to Deploy nginx on Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes is one of the most popular container orchestration tool used widely. Its is used to manage different container engines like docker, containerd, cri-o, rkt, etc. Nginx is very light weight which can Improve the Performance, Reliability, and Security of Your Applications. Nginx is popularly used as load balancer replacing hardware load balancers.

We will deploy nginx on Kubernetes cluster running docker engine.


To deploy nginx, you should have Kubernetes cluster up and running. We will be deploying nginx on Kubernetes cluster on below test environment.

Environment master node1 node2

Deploy nginx on Kubernetes cluster

We will first check the cluster status before deploying the nginx application.

Kubernetes cluster

Since all our nodes are in “Ready” state and working fine, we will now deploy the nginx applicaiton.

# kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
kubernetes nginx

Now lets check the deployment status of the nginx application using below command

# kubectl get deployments
kubernetes nginx

As we can see, our nginx application has been successfully deployed, deployment nginx is ready and available. We can check the nginx deployment in detail using the below command. It will display various properties of the deployment like deployment name, number of Replicas, pod details, container,etc

# kubectl describe deployment nginx
kubernetes deployment

Exposing nginx to Public

Now lets expose the nginx application so that we can access it from outside the kubernetes environment. We will create service for nginx and expose it on http port 80. We will verify the service status on the cluster.

# kubectl create service nodeport nginx --tcp=80:80
nginx service

Thus we have created a service for exposing nginx on port 80. Let try to access the nginx service using curl.

# curl

“Welcome to nginx” , Nginx has been deployed successfully.

Since we have exposed the nginx service publicly, nginx should be accessible from the Kubernetes host or if we have public IP address we can access the nginx application.


Hence, we have successfully deployed nginx on kubernetes and have expose the same using kubernetes service. We are also able to access the deployed nginx application. Refer Kubernetes official documentation to know more about Kubernetes.

Happy Learning😊

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